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windows-server-2003 – 如何使用脚本远程重启Windows服务?

发布时间:2020-12-25 15:05:03 所属栏目:Windows 来源:网络整理
导读:我有一个在CherryPy服务器上运行的 Python Web应用程序,它作为Windows服务运行.我有一个批处理文件来部署这个应用程序,但我仍然需要远程桌面到服务器重启服务.有没有办法编写这个脚本? 我试过了: psexec server "net restart cherrypyservice" 但这似乎

我有一个在CherryPy服务器上运行的 Python Web应用程序,它作为Windows服务运行.我有一个批处理文件来部署这个应用程序,但我仍然需要远程桌面到服务器重启服务.有没有办法编写这个脚本?


psexec server "net restart cherrypyservice"




sc [命令] [服务名称] …

The option  has the form "ServerName"
  Further help on commands can be obtained by typing: "sc [command]"
    query-----------Queries the status for a service,or
                    enumerates the status for types of services.
    queryex---------Queries the extended status for a service,or
                    enumerates the status for types of services.
    start-----------Starts a service.
    pause-----------Sends a PAUSE control request to a service.
    interrogate-----Sends an INTERROGATE control request to a service.
    continue--------Sends a CONTINUE control request to a service.
    stop------------Sends a STOP request to a service.
    config----------Changes the configuration of a service (persistant).
    description-----Changes the description of a service.
    failure---------Changes the actions taken by a service upon failure.
    qc--------------Queries the configuration information for a service.
    qdescription----Queries the description for a service.
    qfailure--------Queries the actions taken by a service upon failure.
    delete----------Deletes a service (from the registry).
    create----------Creates a service. (adds it to the registry).
    control---------Sends a control to a service.
    sdshow----------Displays a service's security descriptor.
    sdset-----------Sets a service's security descriptor.
    GetDisplayName--Gets the DisplayName for a service.
    GetKeyName------Gets the ServiceKeyName for a service.
    EnumDepend------Enumerates Service Dependencies.

  The following commands don't require a service name:
    boot------------(ok | bad) Indicates whether the last boot should
                    be saved as the last-known-good boot configuration
    Lock------------Locks the Service Database
    QueryLock-------Queries the LockStatus for the SCManager Database


